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In some ways, Counterparts is one of the more overlooked stories of Joyce’s Dubliner’s – but the reason for that is unclear. True, it does not have the regretful poignancy of ‘Clay’ or ‘The Dead’. Nevertheless, it does contain a sad brutality which in many ways marks it out as a keynote to the rest of the collection. Its’ protagonist is many things at once. Funny and Appalling. Lost and Found. Surrounded and Alone. Its depiction of a ‘day in the life’ of a simple office worker marks it as a precursor of things to come in Joyce’s canon. The many different moods in the story and the locales it visits mark it as a great vehicle for an audio adaptation and we hope you enjoy this one….

For Bloomsday 2020, we are delighted to present a new audio recording of Counterparts by actor Jim Roche with original music by Denis Clohessy.