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Bloomsday in Madrid

Soy de la Cuesta and Tourism Ireland Spain present DORMIR, LEER, PASEAR, COMER (to sleep, read, go for a walk and eat), which celebrates for the third time Dublin’s Bloomsday literary route, but with a very unique touch from Madrid. There will be readings at the permanent book fair in Cuesta de Moyano and, for the first time, at the 83th Feria del Libro de Madrid and El Rastro.

Juan Gabriel Vásquez, Lisa Hannigan, Joaquín Reyes, Violeta Gil and Berta Vias Mahou will be in charge of the readings, which will take place in different locations in Madrid city centre.



10am – Cuesta de Moyano Caseta 1

Press conference and opening act


Es peligroso meterse cualquier cosa en la boca
By Berta Vías Mahou, writer and translator

Sueño sabático
By Joaquín Reyes, comedian, actor, screenwriter and illustrator


11.30am – Feria del Libro de Madrid: Ayuntamiento de Madrid stand

¿Metempsicosis? La transmigración de las almas
By Juan Gabriel Vásquez, writer

A book for Molly: “Sweets of Sin”
By Lisa Hannigan, composer and singer


12.45pm – Librería Juanito El Rastro

Molly Bloom’s monologue: “Sí dije sí quiero Sí”
By Violeta Gil, writer and playwright



For more information, please visit and


  • 16 June, 2024
10:00 am2:00 pm

  • Cuesta de Moyano Caseta 1, Calle Claudio Moyano, Madrid, Spain

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